










  作为重庆旅游推出的四条精品主题旅游线路中的一条,“渝西走廊 醉美天堂”有着无穷的美丽召唤着大家前往。

  The west of Chongqing corridor is a cultural tourism belt gathering natural and cultural heritage connecting five high ways of Chengdu-Chongqing,Chongqing-Suining, Chongqing-Guizhou, Chongqing-Luzhou and Rongcheng as well as Chengdu-Chongqing high- speed rail and Chongqing-Gui-zhou railway.As one of four delicate tour routes proposed by Chongqing,the west of Chongqing corridor with fragrant beauty are drawing our visits.


  Today,let’s savor the natural view with cultural and natural heritage along this road to start the journey to keep heath mentally and physically.



  Wander around the Wanshen valley and sea of stones,tour the Four-facet Mountain in Jiangjin, climb the Sword Mountain in Qi-jiang。 These are the destination to keep mental and physical health and listen to the nature.


  南川打造国家全域旅游示范区 力争成为中国“旅游名城”

  Nanchuan is creating the whole regional national tourism demonstration area trying to become the famous city of tourism in China.


  5 years ago, speaking to Nanchuan, it might mention Jinfo Mountain only, but now, Twelve Golden Hairpin Showplace, Dragon Gorge, Mountain-king Place, Jin-shan Lake. So many places show in mind.



  Jinfo Mountain belonging to world


  在神秘的北纬 30 度附近,有着世界最古老的文明,珠穆朗玛、玛雅文明、古埃及金字塔……当这条神秘纬线穿越中国、穿越重庆时,有一处集壮美的喀斯特地貌、生物多样性、佛教文化三大奇观于一体的秘境。他,便是金佛山。

  Near the magic 30 degree of north latitude, there arethe mostancient civilization. Qomolangma,Maya Civilization. ancient Egypt and Pyramid. When this magic latitude crossing China and Chongqing,there is a secret place with grand karst land form,biologicaldiversity andBuddhism culture named Jinfo Mountain.Jinfo


  金佛山古称九递山,由金佛、柏枝、菁坝三山108峰组成,最高峰风吹岭海拔2238.2 米,总面积1300 平方公里,其中景区规划面积 441 平方公里,核心景区面积70 平方公里。荣膺世界自然遗产、国家 5A 级旅游景区、国家级风景名胜区、国家森林公园、国家首批科普教育基地、国家级自然保护区、国家自然遗产、全国文明景区等多顶桂冠。而金佛山背后所蕴藏的自然价值和历史人文价值更是无法估量。

  Mountain was called Jiudi Mountain consisted of 108 peaks among three major mountains of Jinfo, Baizhi, Jing Dam. The highest peak, Wind-blowing peak, is located for 2238.2 meters above sea level, covering 1300 square kilo-meters. Among there are 441 square kilometers for planing scenic spot. Core scenic area covers 70 square kilometers. It honors World Natural Heritage, National 5A Tourist Attraction, National Scenic Spot,National Forest Park, the first National Science Popularization Education Base, National Nature Protection Area, National Natural Heritage, National Civilized Spot. It can not be valued about the natural value and historic value behind Jinfo Mountain.



  Tongliang aims at building a national top leisure and travel destination



  Anju ancient town, Huangjuemen garden, Xuantian Lake resort in Bayue mountain,pleasure time in the countryside, wetland park of Lotus- fondness Lake, West Osmanthus Expo Park,Dragon Hot Spring, Fire Dragon Party。 Those once unknown places and activities now be-come the attention of all the visitors。 Many of them flux here.



  数据显示,今年 1-8 月全区接待游客 663.38 万人次,同比增长 72.26% ,实现旅游收入 27.43 亿元。这样持续井喷式的增长,在铜梁,已经连续三年以上了。

  Now Tongliang becomes a famous tour-ism destination in Chengdu- Chongqing economic area.According to statistics, it has 6633800 visitors from January to August this year。 An increase of 72.26 % on year- on- year basis. Tourism income reaches 2743,000,000 yuan. the same rocket growth continues for over three years continuously in Tongliang.


  茶竹永川 诗酒田园的世间“五乐”

  Yongchuan,a livable countryside life with tea and bamboo,attaches five kinds of happiness to world



  Yongchuan, at the convergence of Sichuan, Chongqing and Guizhou as well as the north of upper bank of Yangtze river, is named by its separation by rivers into the Chinese word Yong in the approach of seal character.Knowing the truth afar of coming back to lives in the countryside. The tea and bamboo in Yongchuan will give you a different experience of traveling.




  There are the Songji ancient town with long history for a thousand years, National Forest Park of Tea Mountain and Bamboo Sea, the biggest theme entertainment park of Lehe Entertainment in the central and west of China and the Cucumber Mountain of National Leisure Agriculture and Countryside Tourism Demonstration Pilot.In the drainage basin of Yangtze river and the back-land of Chongqing, it breeds much more regional culture featuring dinosaurs fossil of million years ago, lycopsid existing for thousands of years, ancient towns for over a thousand years, tea trees and bamboo growing for over a hundred years, vocational education planed for over decades.

  江津硒游记 来自中国长寿之乡的硒式生活

  Jiangjin Se tour,Se-style life from the town of longevity


  一方水土养育一方人。 在重庆市江津区, 最与众不同的就是, 这里人们寿命普遍较长, 截至目前 , 辖区 150 万人口中, 百岁以上的老人就有 136 位, 占全市10%以上, 人均寿命达 79 岁 。 这里是中国老年学学会在重庆评出的唯一的长寿之乡。

  The unique features of a local environment always give special characteristics to it’ s inhabitants. In Jiangjin District of Chongqing, the most distinctive feature is that people here are always having a longer life span than others. As of now,among the total population of 1.5 million people, there are 136 individuals aged over 100 years, accounting for over 10% of the total.The average life span of Jiangjin people has reached 79. Jiangjin District is the one and only town of longevity in Chongqing, evaluated by Gerontological Society of China.


  为何江津“ 长寿之乡 ” 长寿者众多?专家分析, 背后的密码, 则是一个很神秘的化学元素——硒。 江津被誉为富硒之地。 如今, 硒游, 已经成为很多外地人到江津旅游的新选择。因富硒而成就的江津“ 硒式” 生活,被越来越多的人所向往。

  Why there are so many centenarians in Jiangjin District? According to the expert’ s analysis, the password beneath this phenomenon is a kind of mysterious chemical element—Se. Jiangjin is praised as selenium- rich soil. Se Tour has become a new choice for many outsiders.There are also an increasing number of people yearning for this Se-style life.



  he three goals of keeping health mentally and physically and providing for the age in Qijiang:Let’s bath our heart in mountain and water.

  听,古剑山中千年梵音阵阵回响;赏,浪漫花坝花海漫漫山泉激荡;看,丁山湖间碧波荡漾峰峦叠嶂;游,东溪古镇黄葛掩映古朴自然……这里是位于大娄山北麓的“渝南门户”—— 重庆市綦江区。

  Listen to theecho from Old sword Mountain。Appreciate the mountain spring in the romanticflower valley。Watch the mountains and peaksreflectedonthesurface of TingshanLake。Tour thenatureof Dongxi ancient town。 Qijiang district of Chongqing is the doorofthesouth ofChongqing located at the foot of Dalou Mountain。


  这里距离重庆主城区仅半小时车程,海拔 800米以上高山资源群有 536 平方公里,常年气温 25℃ 以下,森林覆盖率在 85% 以上,负氧离子含量高达 3000个/立方米,居全市之首,是市民避暑纳凉、养生度假的绝佳目的地。“三养”綦江:让身心在青山绿水间“沐浴”。

  It just takes half-hour journeyaway fromcentraltown inChongqing.Mountain resourceabove sealevel of800meters covers 536squarekilometers。 Itstemperature is below 25 degree centigrade。Forest coverage ratereachesover 85% .Negative oxygen ion percubic meter reaches3000, enablingit torank the topofChongqing city. It becomes the excellent destination for summer holiday and health-keepingvacation。Thethree goals of keeping health mentally and physically andproviding for theage in Qijiang:Let’s bath our heart in mountain and river.


  行走万盛 沉醉于山水交融的四季度假地

  Walking along the Wanshen district immersing in the holiday resort of mountain and water


  在全民旅游的时代,旅游已成为生活的一部分。让城市成为景区,让旅游走进生活。作为重庆 5 个全国全域旅游示范区创建城市之一,万盛经开区推进全域旅游建设,初步实现城在景中景在城中。行走万盛,你可惊叹于五亿年沧海桑田演化的地质奇观,可痴迷于北纬 29 度神秘铺展的山水画廊,可沉醉于千年溱州故地尘封的唐宋烟云......

  Travel becomes a part of life in a era of tourism for all the people.Make city the sight of interest, make tourism be the part of life. As one of five creating cities of national whole regional tourism demonstrationzones,Wanshen districtnudges ahead thewhole regional tourism developmentso as to primarily achieve the goal of integration of city and sightseeing.Walkingalong Wanshen district, you might be surprised about the geological wonders through 500 million years’changes, be addicted tomountainand water vision located in the area of 29 degree north latitude and be indulged in history of Song and Tang dynasty for thousands of years.



  This place owns the most beautiful valley of keeping health, the most ancient stone forest in China. It is the only Tour-ism Transformation Development Pilot Area of National Resource- in-tense City.It is a vacation resort and leisure city for visitors all year round.





  万州大瀑布、 云阳龙缸、 奉节白帝城、忠县石宝寨、涪陵武陵山大裂谷、丰都鬼城、巫山小三峡 、 巫溪红池坝 、 城口黄安坝、 开州汉丰湖 、 梁平双桂堂、垫江牡丹花、长寿湖 ……

  Cataract in Wanzhou, Dragon jar in Yunyang, Baidi city in Fengjie, Shibao Stockaded Village in Zhong County, Great Rift Valley in Wuling Mountain of Fuling, Ghost town in Fengdu, the Little Three Gorges in Wu mountain, Hongchi dam in Wuxi, Huangan Dam in Chengkou, Hanfeng Lake in Kaizhou, Shuang- Gui- Tang in Liangping, Peony in Dian river, Longevity Lake.


  这些美景分布在重庆东北约 3.8 万平方公里的土地上 。自 2014 年渝东北区域旅游协作联盟成立以来,13 个区县在旅游发展上形成一股合力 ,“ 诗画新三峡、最美渝东北” 这张旅游名片正在为越来越多游客所熟知。

  These scenic spots scatter on the ground of 38000 square kilometers in the northeast of Chongqing. Since the establishment of Chongqing Northeast regional Tourism Coordination Alliance in 2014, 13 counties and districts converge into a force in terms of tourism. The new Three Gorges are like a picture, the northeast of Chongqing is the most beautiful, which will attract more and more visitors.


  今天, 通过 2016 世界旅游城市联合会重庆香山旅游峰会,渝东北的大山大水、 人文风情也将传播到世界上更多的角落。 在与新三峡相遇后 ,你会发现:三峡美, 三峡深处更美。

  Today, through 2016 World Tourism City Federation and Fragrant Hills Tourism Summit,mountains and waters as well as the folk custom in the northeast of Chongqing will be spread everywhere. After meeting with new Three Gorges, you will find that Three Gorges are beautiful, the deep in Three Gorges are more beautiful.


  涪陵——彼得·海斯勒笔下的“江城” 两江之畔、武陵山谷的诗意诉说

  Fuling,the“River Town”described by Peter Hessler Poetical narration on the banks of two rivers and in the Wuling mountain



  Youmight have read the book “River Town”composed by Americanwriter Peter Hessler.The River Town is referring to Fuling. From 1996 to 1998, Peter once taught and lived in Ful-ing as a volunteer of peace team. When he decided to write a book about Fuling, the title of River Town came to his mind.


  自然的遗产 世界的武隆

  The heritage of nature,the Wulong of world



  Magical mountain and water, dream hometown, natural heritage, Wulong, a place belonging to world.Wulong is the world natural heritage, national 5A tourists attraction,national tourism resort and receives the Model Prize of Sustainable City endowed by UN and it is honored national scenic spot,Chinese excellent tourism city, the most beautiful countryside in China。 And Wulong is honored with World Karst Ecology Museum.



  Hongchiba Region, Wuxi: let me feel your seasons



  You can not learn the meaning of wonderland between gorges and counties if not come to Wuxia; you can not hear the whispering of wind and grass if not come to Hongcha Region; you can not imagine the seasons you have not seen if not come to appreciate the season in Hongchiba Region.


  一路向北 重庆北极探秘中国大巴山

  Head for north Quest for Ta-pa Mountains in the north of Chongqing




  North pole of Chongqing Cloud Road of Ta- pa Mountains.Here,you would feel the exciting character of mountain; you may glimpse the scene of old streets which are hard to see in the modern city。 This place gathers exotic Qinba customs, this is Chengkou with so much attachment from Ta- pa Mountains。 Anchor- like ranch, health-keeping heaven 。



  All flowers bloom together in spring。 When summer comes, it becomes cool,refreshing and relaxing。 Turning into au-tumn,this is a dazzling heaven of colorful forests。 In winter, every part of the forests are covered with silvery snow。 Mysterious and sacred Ta- pa Mountains is the mountain of tenacious heart。 It has various sceneries you expect to find,valley, brook, meadow and colored leaf。 Tourism route of north pole of Chongqing makes you get the most of Chengkou。


  打造国际知名旅游目的地 三峡最美是巫山

  Create world-known tourism destination Wushan is the most beautiful scenic spot in Three Gorges



  三峡最美是巫山。最美的巫山,即将再次迎来美的嬗变。作为重庆 5 个全国全域旅游示范区创建城市之一,巫山全力推进全域旅游建设,初步实现城在景中景在城中。

  The blue sea makes all other waters unworthy of the name, After Wushan, all other clouds are mere puffballs above.Wushan is the most beautiful scenic spot in Three Gorges. The most beautiful Wushan will wel-come the changes of beauty. As one of five national whole regional tourism demonstration cities in Chongqing, Wushan spares no efforts to promote the construction of tourism and initially achieve the in-tegration of vision and city.



  Three Gorges, Little Three Gorges, Goddess Peak, Red Autumn Leaves in Wushan, Grand Canyon in Dangyang. World- class Valley of mountain and water, Ping Lake in High Gorge and Marvellous Spectacles of Cloud and Rain are waiting for you to experience the most beautiful Wushan that is the city of gorge lakes of Three Gorges.


  Youyang:Creation of a wonderland to stay yourself



  Human beings are keen for a wonderland that once was told in ancient literature work, which locates in deep mountain or the heart. But if in Youyang wonderland, it is coexistence of physical and mental peace.Youyang,Chongqing a city always in your heart.



  “ There are two wonderlands in the world, one in heart, the other in Youyang, Chongqing”, a sincere slogan of promotion attracts so many admirers and makes them take action to find their belonging to Youyang.

  《桃花源记》原型地、全国景区与城市融合度最高的 5A 级景区、中国最具国际影响力旅游品牌……这里,让你远离尘世喧嚣、步入秦晋田园、寻觅始祖脚步、回归绿色天堂。


  As the origin of literature work of The legend of Shangri- la,a national 5A tourist attraction boasting the most high level of integration of attraction and city and the most influential international tourism brand, it helps visitors stay away the earthly,but step into the world of Qin and Jin dynasty to date back to ancestors’ footprint and embrace the green paradise. Youyang, Congqing will open the wonderland in your heart.



  全方位打造汉丰湖自然历史人文景观 开州举子园将于本月28日正式开园

  The Han Feng Lake of Kaizhou District:Striving to Build a National Tourism and Recreation Zone


  Here you will find a host of mountains, wetlands and bridges, these all make you feel relaxed and forget unpleasant things. “walk to the top of the Deng-feng Tower for a goodluck and pray for a good result in the examination." Here in the Ju Zi Garden there are the Academic Institution, the Confucius Temple, the Examination Institution and the Deng Feng Tower…you will gain unique cultural experi-ence from this trip.



  The brave soldiers of the Red Army once struggled here, we can also look back the life of Liu Bocheng during the war. To count the historical and cultural scenic spots in Kaizhou in detail,we will find ourself immersed in its beautiful scenery . The Kaizhou District puts great emphasis on the one day trip of Han Feng Lake, here you can appreciate the green mountain, taste the clean water and learn its profound historical cultures.



  Equinox Flower Festival in Ghost Town brings different tour to you



  Ghost Town,Fengdu,is located in the bank of Yangtze river, which is famous for its alias。 It is national excellent tourism city,one of the most beautiful traveling demonstration county in China, which attracts thousands of visitors。 Attending Equinox Flower Festival will help you experience the tour integrated culture and leisure。 It is a journey crossing time。


  花漾垫江 一年四季好花常开

  DianJiang-the flower city blossom beautiful flower all the year round



  Asthesaying goes, beautifulflowersonlyblossomfor a veryshortperiod oftime.Itistrue thatone floweror onekindofflower cannot blossom for a long time. However, if there are various flowers, it can blossom all the year round.












